About Us

Welcome to Urban Tech, a trailblazing educational 501(c)(3) nonprofit established in 1995. Committed to reshaping the landscape of learning, we provide transformative education through digital storytelling, critical thinking, social-emotional learning, and practical STEM education. In our nearly three decades of existence, we established 500+ educational centers in underserved communities nationwide. Through these efforts, we have touched the lives of nearly 2 million students and adults, equipping them with essential tools for academic excellence and prosperous careers.

At Urban Tech, we firmly believe in the inherent value of every student to society, recognizing and celebrating the richness of diversity across ethnic, gender, economic, religious, geographic, and various other backgrounds. Our dedication to inclusivity is grounded in the understanding that diversity is not only a hallmark but a source of strength, fostering an environment where each student's unique qualities are not just acknowledged but celebrated and nurtured.

Our mission is to foster a love of learning and ensure that every student has an equal opportunity to succeed.

“We do more than impart knowledge; we nurture the leaders, thinkers, and visionaries who will shape the future of our world.”

— Patricia Bransford, Founder of The National Urban Technology Center, Inc.

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